Interview– Austin Dayton; Nexus Drive Up Coffee


Austin is one of those guys who is impossible not to like.

We first met in 2016, and became fast friends.

It was obvious early on that he wasn’t made to climb a corporate ladder. He is too free spirited to be held captive behind a desk answering emails all day. He was always going to find his own path through life.

In his twenties he held a number of odd jobs; teaching English in Korea, picking Golden Beets in Minnesota, white water raft guiding in Montana. Despite his wanderings, he always harbored ambitions to start his own company one day to fuel his lifestyle.

When he was diagnosed with cancer in 2019, his desire to start a business only intensified. As fate would have it, a coffee stand became available just five blocks from his house.

During college, Austin supported himself working as a barista at Dutch Bros. The vibrant culture instilled in him during that time inspired him to recreate a similar atmosphere in Bozeman.

In 2020, Nexus was born. Today he is operating three locations around the Gallantin Valley with plans to open a fourth.

This business allows him to pursue his other passions in life - motorcycling in South America, river surfing the Yellowstone, or hiking in the mountains with his dog, Raff - to name a few.

Next time you find yourself lucky enough to be in Bozeman MT, stop by Nexus for good vibes and the best cup of Joe in the Rockies.


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Interview– Curt Nichols; Glade Optics